Signs of retained Primitive Reflexes

Hands up if these signs sound familiar?

Low tolerance to stress or constant state of inner stress / shy / withdrawn / insecure / anxious
Difficulty interacting with peers / teachers / boss
Poor sleep routine
Difficulties sitting still
Poor handwriting / spelling / excessive writing pressure
Difficulties with maths
Tense muscles especially in the legs: toe walking
Bed-wetting post age of 5
Problems learning to hop
Problems with physical coordination
Problems learning to do breaststroke / ride a bike
Difficulties with ball games / poor hand eye coordination
Difficulty holding head up / tense shoulder muscles
W sitting

What are Primitive Reflexes?
We are all born with primitive reflexes that are meant to ‘do their job’ then go on to be integrated. If this is not the case they can act as a barrier to their learning at school or in special education, sensory processing, physical development / coordination, and emotional balance and maturity….Primitive Reflex Integration could be the solution.

In Children
Your child cannot concentrate/focus/maintain attention and struggles with learning, managing their emotions with schoolwork often resulting in emotional outbursts?

Extra tuition or support at school is not having the intended result – it may even be making the situation worse? Your child is made to feel different. You want your child to be happy, enjoy school, and keep up with peers?

Primitive Reflexes could be playing a part….

Primitive Reflex Integration could be the solution.

You may struggle with anxiety, insecurity, shyness, lack of self-confidence and you may be fearful, uncertain, and want to hide?
You just want to feel on top of life and live your best life and achieve your dreams, but it always seems to go wrong?
You seem to make the wrong decisions.
You don’t want to go out and avoid situations-changing work or going for promotion.
Your emotions get out of hand and can be extreme.

Primitive Reflexes could be playing a part…. Primitive Reflex Integration could be the solution.

Primitive Reflex Integration using Rhythmic Movement and Visual integration exercises
Rhythmic Movement makes life easier for many people by integrating retained Primitive Reflexes

We are all born with Primitive Reflexes, which should do their job and then be integrated and quiet in the brain stem. If this doesn’t happen, we can face many challenges in life ranging from poor balance and coordination, lack of visual connections, to poor emotional regulation leading to fits of emotions.

Why could retained Primitive Reflexes be responsible for these challenges? Our Primitive Reflexes generate specific movements as we are developing constantly through our early months and through the early years. The movements generate and then strengthen pathways in the brain so that the infant can process sensory input easily, taking the correct pathways. This pattern with the body and eye movements creates the integrated patterning that allows as to be balanced individuals.

So, if an infant hasn’t made enough of these specific movements, then the reflexes remain unintegrated and the pathways in the brain are not developed sufficiently in order to process sensory input successfully and suppress unnecessary input. The system becomes overloaded with information from the environment, which can create problems with the ‘calm’ of the individual.

Therefore, our Primitive Reflexes can affect the way we stand and walk, the way we talk, the way we think and learn, and the way we manage our emotions and relationships – they are so very important to our everyday life and our ability to learn.

I work with Primitive Reflexes and the visual aspects affected by the lack of primitive reflex integration.
I enjoy working with babies, children, and adults helping them to overcome difficulties which can include: Anxiety, Anger, Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, learning difficulties, depression, focus & concentration difficulties, and general delays in reading & writing.

Please get in touch to find out how I can help you.