Pregnancy and Childbirth

How Osteopathy can help

Pregnancy is a life-transforming experience for all involved, with the birth of a new being. Although it is a natural process and part of the normal life cycle, each pregnancy is a unique and individual experience. There are huge changes of physical, chemical, hormonal and emotional changes’ there are increased physical demands on the body.

Each woman responds differently, depending on her previous history. As the baby grows inside, the mother’s body has to make space and her posture needs to adapt. Past pregnancies, experience, accidents and traumas may have affected the mechanical workings of the spine and pelvis, whilst illnesses may have a bearing on the tissue state of the body. All this must be accounted for within the body’s adaptation. These factors, plus the natural loosening of the ligaments in preparation for birth, may lead to aches, pains and fatigue.

As the birth approaches, with reducing space to move around, the baby needs to be in the optimum position for delivery. Any past trauma to the pelvis, sacrum or coccyx may distort the birth canal potentially affecting the baby’s descent. Osteopathic treatment is ideal for listening to the tissues of the body, the physiological function of all that is contributing and maintaining this balance throughout to achieve the best situation for the birth itself.


Osteopathy is safe and a non-invasive method of treatment helping relieve the physical stresses on your body during pregnancy, helping the mother cope with the demands of labour and to recover after birth.  After the birth to check the new baby, unwind any stresses from the birth and achieve a relaxed situation for all involved. As Osteopaths we offer self-help advice and exercise therapy to support you. We work with local Midwives, lactation consultants and Health Visitors to help pregnant women and new mothers through this process.