
Babies, Toddlers, Children, and Young Persons

We really enjoy seeing babies, children and young adults in the practice. Many young adults return to osteopathy in their 20’s, having experienced how osteopathy helped them in childhood. They know how they like to feel and for their bodies to work well for them. We enjoy working with all age
groups and young adults and teenagers are as important as toddlers and babies. If we see more babies, maybe we wouldn’t need to see so many children and teenagers. We are always happy to advise on any aspect of growth and development for babies, children and young persons.

Osteopathic Development Group-Guidance for osteopaths who work with children and young people.

‘The care of children and young people is an important part of osteopathic practice. Early intervention can have a significant impact on outcomes across an individual’s lifespan and we know from the Institute of Osteopathy’s 2017 Census that 97% of osteopaths see some older children and young people in their practices’.

The philosophical foundations and principles of osteopathy are as relevant to children and young people as they are to any patient group. What differs is the context in which they are applied. Children’s anatomy and physiology, their psychology and socio-economic environment, and the legal framework that protects their rights and wellbeing are all different from adults, as are the conditions that affect them and the health, educational and social care services that are designed to support their development into happy, healthy, independent adults. Familiarity with these factors is a necessary foundation of any clinical practice that engages with this important and vulnerable patient group.

This shows the depth of commitment that osteopaths have to working with these groups.