The Older Person Arthritis and Ageing

The Older Person-Ageing and Arthritis

With increasing age, the body slows down, losing flexibility and elasticity and recovers less quickly. We become slower, stiffer, and more prone to illnesses and trauma. Our senses diminish, poorer sight, hearing and taste, and worse balance, reducing mobility and self-confidence.

The body can be likened to a car, in that it needs regular servicing and maintenance as it gets older. A car that is not serviced regularly will use more fuel than if the engine is well lubricated and perfectly tuned, and parts start to wear. The body is the same. If there are areas of tension or strain, then the whole body has to compensate and more energy is used in simple everyday tasks. People often complain of feeling unduly tired as well as suffering from aches and pains or other symptoms.

Accidents, trauma and strains

As we accumulate strains and injuries over the years, these strain and accident patterns are  palpable by trained osteopaths, within the tissues but, we consider these symptoms tell us the body needs help rather than putting up with an aging process. Osteopathic treatment is aimed at improving mobility in areas of the body that are stiff, relaxing tense muscles, improving local circulation, and restore the whole body to the best state of physical balance possible.

We cannot avoid ageing, but osteopathic treatment can help to relieve some of the common discomforts including:

  • Neck ache and backache
  • Postural problems
  • Joint pain and stiffness, including arthritis
  • Headache
  • Reducing the effects of stress
  • Patients often also report improvements in general health in areas such as energy levels and mood, and improvements in the functioning of some of the internal organs and systems.

For specific advice ask your osteopathic practitioner.


This is very common with age and occurs in various joints more commonly in knees and hips which work heard in multiple directions.

It shows by joints being swollen with aching and stiffness, which can be increased with use. Any joint can be affected , but the commonest ,are knees , hips , shoulders and backs.

Osteopathy can help decrease the swelling by helping circulation, ensure the strain patterns of previous problems are eased and there is a balance of the whole body.

Osteopathic Treatment

Gentle osteopathic treatment addresses specific areas of the body as well as the whole person. It improves movement between the vertebrae, freeing the neck and the back. It improves movement of the chest improving breathing and circulation. It releases the pelvis and abdomen, improving organ function and circulation, including the brain. As treatment reduces painful symptoms and improves blood and lymphatic circulation, so the body can heal faster and experience a renewed sense of wellbeing and freedom. This improvement can also be supported by a good diet and a gentle regime of exercise – probably the most important thing one can do to stay healthy and happy.

Cranial Osteopathy is a very effective and gentle approach which can be applied safely in older people. Where there is a risk of osteoporosis (thinning bones) this gentle approach is excellent as it avoids the need for strong manipulation. Many people find the treatment very relaxing, helping with stress, a decrease in symptoms and better health.