Norfolk Osteopathic Clinics


Osteopathy and Sport


Osteopathy for Mothers and Babies


Community Osteopathic Practice

Clinics in Tacolneston and Aylsham

At the Norfolk Osteopathic Clinics based in Tacolneston -South Norfolk and Aylsham-North Norfolk our team work to alleviate pain and discomfort and promote health by making treatment accessible to all. We provide natural healthcare that is suitable for everybody

The clinics have provided a high level of osteopathic care in Norfolk for over 22 years. We have established a caring clinic for all ages of patients, from babies to the elderly. We share expert knowledge gathered over 39 years of osteopathic practice in a community setting. We work with musculoskeletal problems with the aim to direct the body back towards health.

We have been effectively treating people of all ages for a variety of problems ranging from acute injuries, aiding recovery, decreasing pain and working with chronic health issues. We have an interest in all age ranges but have a special interest in the treatment of babies and children; with 1 osteopath qualified in a post graduate paediatric osteopathic diploma and in breastfeeding, to help mums’ understand what help we can provide, and both other osteopaths are able to work with children.

We always listen carefully to your problem and try to fully understand the cause, to reach a diagnosis that will appreciate the whole person and may go deeper than just the symptoms. No two diagnoses are the same, and as such each treatment is tailored to the individual to the individual.

We have osteopaths who specialise in the Cranial approach to osteopathy, which despite its reference to the head, is a whole body approach that can be described as a science and an art. Treatment is gentle, yet effective and assists the body in returning to a healthy functioning state and relieving symptoms. In addition, there is Classical Osteopathy; both Cranial and Classical have some specific relevance to the lymphatic system and autonomic nervous system which is especially relevant in working with post Covid effects, as with many other problems.

We assess how the body (as a whole), has been affected, where we can start to readjust, bringing it back to a better function and health, with a decrease in your symptoms.

We rely on our hands to give us information about the state of tissue structure, joint dysfunction, the degree of damage to an area and whether we can assist in bringing the body back to a state of health.

We often work in conjunction with doctors, podiatrists, dentists and physios to aim at understanding you, the patient, getting you back to the life you enjoy.

Most important, we are all osteopaths who are passionate about our work and continue to learn, train and take on board information to help us get better at helping you-the patient.

Contact us today to book your appointment either book online or chat to a receptionist on 01953789629/07818747776

Book an appointment

Or if you would like to speak with one of our experienced and knowledgeable Osteopaths to see how we might be able to help you, please ring the telephone numbers provided below, and a member
of our team will contact you.

Osteopathic treatment for every body

Osteopathy is a highly effective system of manual medicine that focuses primarily on the musculo-skeletal system.

Osteopathy for Babies

Cranial Osteopathy

What is it and is it different to Osteopathy?



Based in the South of Norfolk, not far from Wymondham and the A11. Tacolneston Clinic is our main office and contains one treatment room.

9 The Fields, Tacolneston, Norfolk, NR16 1DG

01953 789629/Mobile 07818747776


Monday 9:00 am-  5:30 pm Osteopathy

Tuesday 9-00 am – 1:00 pm Osteopathy

Wednesday 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm Osteopathy

Thursday CLOSED   Reception available

Friday 9:00 am – 5:30 pm Osteopathy


Located in the market town of Aylsham, North Norfolk and contains two treatment rooms.

189 Hungate Street, Aylsham, Norfolk, NR11 6JX

01263 732028/Mobile 07818747776



Tuesday 9:30 am – 5:00 pm. Osteopathy

Wednesday 9:30 am – 5:30 pm Osteopathy

Thursday 9:30 am – 5:30 pm Osteopathy

Friday 12-30 am – 5:00 pm Osteopathy

On the first visit, a detailed case history will be taken, including a full medical history.

For full details please click here for the first appointment letter

Team Members

Meet our passionate
team members

Yvonne Ayliffe
Principal Osteopath & Clinic Director
Aude Mouginot
Associate Osteopath

Don’t hesitate to contact with us. phone: 01953 789629

Contact us

Contact us

    Please email us at

    Training And Registration

    Osteopaths are regulated by law and recognised as an allied health profession by NHS England. This gives them a similar status to dentists or physiotherapists and guarantees the equivalent high level of care.

    By law, an osteopath must be registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) to practise in the UK.

    Before an osteopath can obtain registration, they must attain specialist degree-level training, either a Bachelor of Science (BSc.) or integrated Masters (MOst.), plus complete over 1000 hours of clinical placements (direct patient contact time).

    To maintain their registration with GOsC, which is renewed annually, osteopaths must meet mandatory continuous professional development (CPD): keeping skills and knowledge up-to-date and maintaining high standards of professional development.

    For further information on Osteopathy contact:

    The General Osteopathic Council
    Osteopathy House
    176 Tower Bridge Road
    London. SE1 3LU.
    Tel: 0207 357 6655